
The Do’s And Dont’s of Selling Your Home

 As a first-time home seller, things sure can get a bit overwhelming. Yet, it doesn’t have to be! As Mr. Rawson correctly explains in this article, just as there are a few big ‘no-no’s’ one needs to watch out for, a couple of elements are pertinent to a successful sale of your property! As Mr. Rawson correctly explains in this article, just as there are a few big ‘no-no’s’ one needs to watch out for, a couple of elements are pertinent to a successful sale of your property!

The Do’s And Dont’s of Selling Your Home

Rawson cautions against assuming that the agent with the highest valuation of your property will achieve the highest sale price. In fact, as he reveals, the reverse can often be true.

His advice is to rather select an agent that you can trust to have your best interests at heart, whether that’s someone recommended to you by a friend, or someone with an excellent track record in your area. Selling a home can be an emotional process, but you can’t allow those emotions to cloud your judgement, so you need to be able to trust your agent to be honest with you about all aspects of your property and its sale,” he says.

For those tossing up the idea of using multiple agents to sell their home, Rawson’s advice is to rather stick to a sole mandate for the best results. Agents will always prioritise a sole mandate over an open mandate, as they are guaranteed the sale. There is also no incentive to encourage buyers to accept low-ball offers simply to beat their competition to the finish line.”

Once you’ve selected an agent, it’s a good idea to sit down with them and discuss any ways you can improve your home’s appearances before you list it. These can be as simple as neatening up your garden, fixing a few broken fixtures or putting on a fresh coat of paint, but can also include minor renovation suggestions that could add significantly to your home’s value.

“It’s difficult to be objective about your own home, so having your agent cast a fresh eye over things and make suggestions can be very beneficial,” says Rawson. “It doesn’t have to be an expensive preparation process – simply decluttering and depersonalising before show days can help to maximise your property’s appeal without breaking the bank.”

With your home looking its best, there is little more for you to do other than sit back, relax, and let your agent do their job. If your property is listed at the right price and properly marketed, a successful sale should be just around the corner.

Issued by Rawson Property Group.

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