Real Estate Professionals

5 Savvy Ways Your Real Estate Brand Can Appeal to Millennial Customers

Story Highlights
  • (1) Social responsibility as the key ingredient
  • (2) The importance of recommendations
  • (3) Focusing on bite-sized content
  • (4) Provide a personalized approach
  • (5) Always be transparent

Millennial customers are the target audience of many brands, considering they currently represent the majority of the workforce.

They are different from previous generations primarily because they grew up with technology and they are the first generation who had an opportunity to easily connect with people from every corner of the world, at least those that had access to the internet.

They are a generation that sees through any sales pitch so nowadays real estate brands need to put some extra effort to attract them.

So, to achieve this, here are some savvy strategies for you to implement: 

(1) Social responsibility as the key ingredient

Studies have shown that millennials are a societal force and considering their influence, they are the ones whose needs marketers need to cater most.

They feel strongly about racial discrimination, making education and healthcare available for everyone, and have no problem walking in shoes of completely different people.

This is why many real estate brands support social movements and even initiate their own campaigns without hesitation. In this way, they earn the respect of this generation, while in return they raise awareness about the real estate brands.

Millennials believe that even the smallest actions matter so that, for instance, if you start being more environmentally conscious, you will attract others to your cause. This is why your real estate brand should resolutely join ranks with millennials.

(2) The importance of recommendations 

Millennials rely heavily on recommendations because they are the generation who has seen every marketing and sales trick in the book.

That made them very wary and if they so much as sniff some salesy advancement aimed towards them, they will leave your site, unfollow your social media profile, and won’t miss the chance to share why they have done so. 

However, they are also very open to sharing positive experiences about the real estate brands they like and this is what you need to leverage. Find influencers who have expressed satisfaction about your products, re-post their content (with their permission, of course) and watch as the user-generated content starts sprouting up everywhere.

This is a cost-effective strategy to attract more millennial followers, which will in time, result in an increase in sales. 

(3) Focusing on bite-sized content 

The fast-paced world we live in doesn’t allow much time for wasting so the type of content millennials gladly come to contact with is short and concise. As opposed to long texts, visual elements have the power not only to attract but also to keep their attention and therefore they effectively reduce the bounce rate. 

The trick with visual content, though is that it needs to convey a message as concisely as possible followed with an attractive design. Infographics are a perfect format to achieve this. However, since getting both of these elements right can be tricky, experienced agencies like Infostarters are usually the first choice of many entrepreneurs.

Also, since a strong visual presence is essential, it would be wise for your real estate brand to have all illustrations and brochures taken care of by specialists. 

(4) Provide a personalized approach

Individuality also matters to millennials and they celebrate uniqueness every chance they get, which is only natural having in mind they are against discrimination of any kind. They are also very open regarding other things, such as their music tastes, fashion inspirations, dietary preferences, etc. 

What’s interesting is that millennials drive artisan sales and they are exposing small local real estate brands to a global audience since they love the idea of supporting small businesses. This is where your real estate brand comes in: if your offer is not of that distinct kind of nature, you should partner up with some of the local real estate brands. What you can do is add a limited offer of their product (or of your mutual product) to entice the interest of Millennials. 

(5) Always be transparent

Simply put, millennials enjoy knowing exactly what they wear, eat, and use. This need for transparency goes beyond knowing the material their clothes are made of. They also want to make sure that paid workers created that garment and that no creature or person was harmed during its manufacturing. 

This is why honesty is your best policy and that is the only way you will be able to earn – by doing everything the (morally and legally) right way.

However, if they learn that you deceived them, you can kiss your real estate brand goodbye because before you know it, the details will be all over the internet and then no millennial will ever purchase from you again. 

This socially-aware generation doesn’t fight battles on the streets but online, so this is exactly the place you need to meet them.

They are more likely to believe recommendations than commercials but can also be tempted by engaging visuals. Most of these strategies will not break the bank, but they demand more than your money: they will ask for your time, honest commitment, and transparency because that is what millennials respect.

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