
7 Tips to Create a Calming Space

Story Highlights
  • 1. Recreate your fondest memories in your room
  • 2. Always apply the right smells in your room
  • 3. Houseplants
  • 4. Be clean and organized
  • 5. Calming colors
  • 6. Avoid snaky wires
  • 7. Choose the right noise for your home

Your home should be your little space where you relax and reflect on your long day at work or on the noisy streets.

That is why you need to create a calming space at home so that whenever you are there, everything can feel comfortable.

Installing a calming wall art, for example, can change your mindset and help you to see life from a unique optimism.

In this post, we focus on seven tips that will help you create a calming space in your home or workplace:

1. Recreate your fondest memories in your room

If there is a picture you took when vacationing in a safe, tranquil place, hanging it on your wall can help you recreate the sweet memories of that vacation. Or maybe you feel at peace whenever you go for a sleepover at a relative’s or a friend’s house.

What brings that peace? Would it be a wall décor that they have? Could it be ample lighting in the bedroom? Or is it the type of music they play?

Try and find out what makes those sleepovers so special and then recreate that bedroom in your own house.

2. Always apply the right smells in your room

Which smells make your mind feel at peace?

If you love good-smelling food, always cook aromatic recipes in your kitchen. That will help you to fall in love with the kitchen every time you wake up to cook breakfast and it will equally help you have a good day at work.

Maybe there is a candle that your mom used to light every time she read bedtime stories to you or a candle that your lover lights during your special nights. There is a high chance that that candle makes you feel at peace whenever you light it up even if you are alone. If you want to feel at peace on any given day, that candle will come in handy.

3. Houseplants 

On top of helping clean your indoor air, houseplants can bring a wind of hope and optimism in your house.

Have succulents, cacti, or other houseplants in your living or bedroom and you will surely be at peace with everything around you.

Scientists argue that when a human being is in a space of purified air, he is less likely to suffer fatigue or stress.

Now that you can get this air purity from green houseplants, why not install some in your office so that even the people around you can be at peace. That way, everyone will be happy with each other and the common office politics will calm down.

4. Be clean and organized

Sometimes your mind will lack peace because of the disorganization in your home or office.

Do justice to the mind by decluttering your living spaces and keeping everything well organized.

If you have been leaving dirty dishes in your sink for hours on end, go ahead and clean them up. Remove those unwanted papers and plastic bottles from your desk. That way, your mind will be relaxed at all times.

5. Calming colors

If your budget allows, and if you love art, get yourself a calming wall art and hang it right across your bedroom such that every time you open your eyes, you see it.

Also, paint your living areas with energizing and calming colors such as bright orange or green.

If you have already painted these colors and they don’t seem to work anymore, try to repaint them. Could be that the paint is wearing off.

6. Avoid snaky wires

As much as possible, avoid leaving electric wires and cables from phone chargers, iron box, and other household items hanging recklessly all over the place.

Conceal them by passing them behind furniture or by unplugging unnecessary power extensions.

The human brain reacts to a seemingly dangerous situation and you can be forever sad simply because of the thought that the hanging wires are a danger to your life.

7. Choose the right noise for your home

If you love music, finding the right playlist can help your mind to relax.

If you don’t like loud music, please don’t play music at full blast just to prove to your neighbors that you still are young and free.

And if there is too much noise coming from the streets, fix your windows to block them out.

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